Hi Everyone!
My name is Mike, and I am pleased to welcome you all to M&P Wellness LLC LLC. I would like this first entry to just kind of explain my goal for my blog and topics I plan to write about.
The main goal for this blog is to honestly have you, the potential client, or current client, learn more about me and see if you would like me to be your therapist.
It is hard to know if a therapist might be a good fit, and while a 10-15 minute conversation can help I feel sharing my ideas and passions can help have people get to know me and make an informed decisions about working with me.
The other goal is to share ideas with others about topics I am interested in.
I plan to focusing my writing on topics that are of interest to me that include therapy, social work and psychology, as well as the things I am passionate about like technology, pop culture and current world events, and probably whatever is on my mind at the time of writing!
I look forward to sharing more with you, and having you get to know me.